Talks and Workshops
Carol's Favorite Speaking TopicsHow to Transform Your Thinking Habits and Set Your Life on F.I.R.E.The F.I.R.E. formula is a strategy for transforming your thoughts, emotions, and stress levels to those that enhance life rather than deteriorate life and passion. Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes, and you have the opportunity right now to have a positive impact on your life! Based on the book, Create a Happy Life: 21 Simple Steps to Transform Your Thinking Habits and Set Your Life on F.I.R.E.
No Achy Joints!Arthritis pain ranges from mildly irritating to debilitating. Carol teaches you simple and effective methods for keeping your joints healthy, flexible, and how using supplements can help you manage the aches and pains related to the aging process. Based on the book No Achy Joints!
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