Downloadable Business Management Tools
Activities Tracking |
Priorities Management |
A great way to manage your time and measure your success is by downloading and using my Daily Activities Tracker. Now, I must admit that tracking anything—like your food, sleep, or exercise—is not easy. In fact, it is boring! BUT…maintaining the practice of writing down your activities can make or break you.
Use this tool to keep track of what you are doing every day to build and maintain your business. You can also create your own and track those things that will further your business. To use it, just make a hash mark every time you perform a task that fits into one of the criteria for creating an Enlightened Entrepreneurship. I use this as an accountability tool with my coaching clients to help them discover areas that they love and those they love to avoid! Here is a list of what to track: My Training/Belief Building My Daily Business Habits How I am Growing My Business |
A productive life is a conscious life and that takes energy. So, we need to develop strategies for creating focus to maintain our vision and manifest it.
A wonderful way to tackle managing your time and tasks is to evaluate the relative importance of each activity on your plate. Richard Nelson Bolles, author of What Color is Your Parachute? created a fabulous tool for this called the Prioritization Grid. You can download use this tool whenever you have ten items (or fewer) where you need to decide which is most important to you, which is next most important, down to which is least important. It is a great tool because instead of trying to decide between ten items, you need only decide between two items at a time. You will need to print out two copies to do this. There are five steps.
One of the best ways to Create a Happy Business is to incorporate daily actions that move your business forward and keep track of them. Download this tool to keep track of what you are doing every day to build and maintain your business. Just make a hash mark every time you perform a task that fits into one of the criteria. Then share your score with your Accountability Partner to stay on track.
Do you have trouble deciding what to do first? Download this tool. Priorities management is a key component of your DMO (Daily Methods of Operation). Simply follow the directions and sort your top ten tasks to discover what is most important to do today, this week, or this year.